QBE Re Chief Underwriting Officer Peter Wilkins discusses his new role, career and the future of QBE Re.
Tell us about your role at QBE Re?
I’m the new and the first CUO of QBE Re, something I’m very proud of. My role is to oversee the underwriting performance and guide the strategy for QBE Re, as well as build and shape our new product leadership roles.
What excites you the most about your role?
The chance to help realise the huge potential of QBE Re. And to work across our business and help bring all the elements together as One QBE Re.
What is your career background?
I joined a relatively new syndicate as an underwriting assistant straight from school. I worked specifically on A&H business. Although I didn’t know exactly what I was getting into at the time, the combination of analytics, mathematics and real-world issues resonated, even back then, and I feel very lucky to have fallen into a career that has been rewarding on so many levels.
How did you get into reinsurance?
My first job in the Lloyd’s syndicate mentioned above involved some reinsurance. This really interested me and I’ve followed that path ever since.
What new developments should we expect to see from QBE Re?
Most importantly, what our brokers and our clients will start to enjoy is the benefits that a well-connected QBE Re can offer.
What is the most rewarding project you have been a part of?
Post 9/11, I re-constructed and developed the A&H portfolio here at QBE Re, and that remains the most satisfying era in my career to date. A small cohort of underwriters here in the London market faced the challenge of re-constructing the A&H reinsurance market in a very short space of time. It was intense to say the least! Even today, this is a significant and consistently well-performing portfolio.
Can you tell us more about what you’re currently working on?
Currently, I’m spending a lot of time bringing further definition and colour to our new organisational structure, as well as business planning for 2023-2025. The benefits are already evident. As we set out our long-term aspirations and client engagement plans, I genuinely believe we can shape the business around our clients’ needs.
How do you expect the industry to change in coming years?
The industry will become significantly more insightful and thoughtful when engaging with clients. And it will need to draw on external expertise to be able to deal with the uncertainty and climatic, geo-political and economic volatility. We can’t solve all of these issues by working in isolation – collaboration and a collective response will be essential.
What’s one interesting fact about you?
I am the world’s worst, but most enthusiastic, bass player – self-appointed of course!